The Welcome Foundation
In 2018 there were a series of news stories about war-torn refugees crossing the Mediterranean with the hope of reaching safety in Europe. As their boats floated offshore, they were informed that they would not be welcome on European soil. Weeks passed. Resources on the boats dwindled. Some died. They kept waiting for a door to open.
As I sat in my car in Oklahoma listening to these stories unfold, I knew I wanted to help, but I was thousands of miles away, and I honestly felt I had nothing to give.
Now I know that I do. We all do.
The Welcome Foundation will launch along with The Welcome Cat blog, raising money and awareness to support refugee welcome efforts around the world. It will support the distribution of basic human needs like food and water, medical and legal services, education and job skills training.
It is my hope that through this work, every person will know they are welcome and important.
If you or someone you know has an interest in this work, I would love to talk to you.
Email me here: helpers@thewelcomecat.com