I’ll be the first to admit it, the cat is not the universal symbol of hospitality.
I have four (awesome) cats, so believe me, I get it. They are often selfish and self-centered, picking the best spots for themselves and only acting excited to see you when it’s meal time. Any other time of day they might not bother to acknowledge your existence.
Unless, of course, you’re working. Then they want to sit on your keyboard and act like you have nothing better to do than stroke them in that sweet spot under the chin.
Their idea of sharing is bringing dead animals to your door. They demand affection on their terms, and will let you know quickly if something you do does not please them. They wake you up, and will keep you awake.
A cat might be the least likely creature to have a natural bent for hospitality. But a cat also has the most potential for growth. Potential for growth in hospitality…like the rest of us.
The truth is, while the cat stereotype holds true a lot of the time, there are many times cats do get hospitality right.

Sometimes they meet you at the door, leaving their coveted cozy perch just so they can rub against your leg. They purr their appreciation so loud you feel the table shake. They are waiting in the window when you come home because they heard the car pull up. That makes us feel good. That’s successful hospitality, my cat. Bravo.
So having success in hospitality is not so much your background or your breeding, but your doing.
Here at The Welcome Cat, we are all about the doing of hospitality. Anytime. Anywhere.
Even a cat can do it. So that’s why The Welcome Cat.
Thanks for being here! I hope you’ll stay awhile. Here’s a link to get you started with the 5 Basics of Hospitality: Basics #1: The Warm Welcome.